This page contains GMPE table files for national hazard maps as modified Aug. 2012, as described in the documents AA12_gmpesRevised6_Clean.pdf and r12_GMPEs9b.pdf (and its Appendix B). The new tables make any suggested modifications (from white paper), and also add the 10s values 10 s values were obtained using BA08' ratios for the given M and Repi, applying to all event types. Other than adding 10s values, only the in-slab eqns have actually changed (increased HF values). Suggested weights are described in AA12_gmpesRevised6_Clean.pdf and r12_GMPEs9b.pdf, including modifications in Appendix B. Suggested aleatory variability model given in AA12_gmpesRevised6_Clean.pdf and r12_GMPEs9b.pdf.